Clinical News American Academy Of Family Practice Smart Briefs

Study quantifies benefits of widespread low-dose aspirin use

A study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that widespread daily intake of low-dose aspirin among older Americans could ensure 900,000 more Americans are alive by 2036 and deliver almost $692 billion in net health care benefits during the same period. Just 40% of Americans who the authors say should be taking aspirin are doing so, despite evidence that utilization is associated with lower heart disease and cancer risk and improved life expectancy.

HealthDay News (11/30)

-There are associations between aspirin use for several years and a reduction in multiple cancers. Because testosterone may slightly increase the risk of vein blood clots in people prone to blood clots, I feel it is wise to include for most of my patients on hormone replacement. Same with women above 50 on estrogen replacement, even if it is transdermal, which is associated with a much lower blood clot risk than oral estrogens.

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